Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Putar Belit Anwar Tentang San Miguel Corp.

Anwar dalam posting blognya memetik artikel The Malaysian Insider dan membenarkan kenyataan separuh masak itu sebagai sesuatu yang diakui olehnya.

He continued to poke holes in BN’s administration, which he insisted is corrupt, questioning this time Malaysia Airline’s (MAS) recent signing of a deal with Petron Malaysia Sdn Bhd, formerly Esso Malaysia Bhd, to purchase fuel. 
Esso was rebranded as Petron after the Philippines-based Petron Corp, part of the San Miguel Corp conglomerate, became Esso Malaysia’s biggest shareholder with a 73.4 per cent stake. 
Anwar had previously demanded the government to explain why it had allowed one of the country’s critical assets to be sold to a foreign entity, pointing out that the sale of ExxonMobil’s stake in oil refiner Esso Malaysia was below market price. 
Beer and oil 
The opposition leader had also demanded Putrajaya explain the potential conflict in the deal because of the interests of Dr Mahathir’s family. 
The former prime minister’s son, Mirzan Mahathir, was previously a board director of San Miguel Corp. The Philippines conglomerate is the biggest food and beverage conglomerate in the Philippines and the owner of San Miguel Brewery Inc. 
San Miguel Brewery controls 95 per cent of the Philippines beer market. It has since diversified into infrastructure, public utility and energy requirements in the Philippines. 
“Mirzan Mahathir bought the beer company San Miguel, Esso and now MAS signs a contract to buy fuel (from Esso)… that is why Dr Mahathir fears a Pakatan win,” Anwar said last night.
Hakikatnya, konglomerat tersebut bukanlah penghasil bir semata-mata melainkan terdapat banyak cabang perusahaan lain. Perusahaan bir yang diusahakan syarikat itu nampaknya tidak mendatangkan untung kerana dikuasai gergasi bir Jepun adalah lanjutan cadangan pengguguran subsidari bir yang dikuasai Jepun itu menunjukkan San Miguel cukup sensitif dengan sentimen Malaysia. Mereka membuat keputusan untuk menggugurkan perusahaan bir mereka dengan alasan keengganan syarikat bir Jepun untuk menurunkan pegangan ekuiti.

San Miguel considering delisting of beer subsidiary 
Notes difficulty in meeting 10% free float
MANILA, Philippines—San Miguel Corp. on Tuesday said it may take private its flagship beer business—one of the biggest listed firms on the local bourse—if its Japanese partner is unwilling to sell more shares for the firm to meet the minimum float requirement of the Philippine Stock Exchange. 
In a briefing, SMC president Ramon S. Ang said he would meet with top executives of Kirin Brewery in Tokyo this weekend to discuss ways for San Miguel Brewery Inc. to meet the PSE’s 10-percent free float requirement that listed firms have to meet by yearend. 
Ang stressed, however, that San Miguel was unwilling to further reduce its stake in the beer maker below its present ownership level of 51 percent. The Japanese beer giant holds a 48-percent stake in San Miguel Brewery, while the public holds the balance of 1 percent. 
“Any sell-down of shares [to the public] would have to come from Kirin because San Miguel cannot go below its level now,” he said. “If Kirin cannot go down to 38 percent from their [level of] 48 percent, I think it will be better for us to delist.”

Anwar mengaitkan Mirzan dengan korupsi BN apabila dia berjaya masuk ke dalam konglomerat besar Filipina yang menampakkan keberadaan Malaysia dalam ekonomi Filipina tanpa menjelaskan pula bahawa Petron tidak ada kena mengena dengan minuman keras sedangkan Anwar masih menyimpan RM3 billion. Apakah sebenarnya Anwar yang mahukan semua itu? 

Jika satu masa dahulu Filipina merupakan syurga Anwar kerana hubungan baiknya dengan presiden Joseph Estrada yang sangat korup, sudah tentulah kenyataan Anwar ini datang dari rasa iri hatinya sendiri dan memainkan sentimen arak dan korupsi demi mencari sokongan umum tanpa memperincikan perkara itu sewajarnya.

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